I had always wondered whether the old Chinese saying of “may you live in interesting times” was meant as a blessing or a curse. While the jury is still out, I am leaning towards the curse side…
While the world is indeed living through interesting times, we in the Dental Industry (in Queensland anyhow), are carrying on as best we can to keep our patient’s dental needs taken care of.
Due to the extremely robust infection control protocols we already had in place, we have been in the enviable position of having to make very few operational changes in order to keep up with Covid-19 recommendations.
You will notice the notices! Much signage has been added to our front facade.
All we ask of you (as well as any family members or support people) is that you use the hand sanitizer provided at reception upon arrival. We will also take your temperature (no-touch).
Please don’t come in if you are unwell, are awaiting Covid-19 test results, or have traveled to a restricted area in the past 14 days.
Rest assured we are hear to keep your dental health in tip top condition.
Hopefully “interesting times” will be made up of fabulous holidays, huge house parties and hugging your loved again ones very soon…